No theme today.
I just went to Etsy, typed "cupcake"
into the search box,
scrolled through the first 25 pages
and picked unique favorites!
Love the cupcake on this shirt by zoeysattic.
Maybe one day my little girl will need it . . .

This cupcake castle pinata by Birchangel is freakin' awesome!
I've never seen anything like it.
I just went to Etsy, typed "cupcake"
into the search box,
scrolled through the first 25 pages
and picked unique favorites!
Love the cupcake on this shirt by zoeysattic.
Maybe one day my little girl will need it . . .

This cupcake castle pinata by Birchangel is freakin' awesome!
I've never seen anything like it.

I'm thinking my laptop needs
a little cupcake spruce up.
beepart has this awesome vinyl decal.
It's totally customizable.

Have a baby?
This crinkly, tagish little cupcake
is such a fun toy!
whimsicalkids has one with your name on it!
This crinkly, tagish little cupcake
is such a fun toy!
whimsicalkids has one with your name on it!

Diet Dr. Pepper cupcake magnet, anyone?
So cute!
And FunkyRecycling also has
other brands if Dr. Pepper isn't your cup of pop.

My cupcakester BFF and I definitely
need to sport these for our next PAR-TAY!
tiffytart has lots of cute styles.

if you have pictures of your cute kids
pointing at
or staring at
cute cupcakes
(or cute cupcake products)
email them to
cutecupcakesallthetime at gmail dot com
So we can feature your cute kids here on the blog.
First post will be up tomorrow!
Don't forget to follow us!
When we hit 100 followers we're doing a giveaway!
Thanks so much for featuring my bracelet! Being a cupcake addict and proud of it, of course I am now following your blog!!!
Thank you for featuring our Crinkle Cakes! It's such a thrill to be included in this scrumptious cupcake collection!
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